2024-25 TOP Kids Club - Registration Form

Please fill out this form and click submit.

Completing this form registers your child(ren) for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

Fall 2024 TOP Kids Clubs start September 4, 2024.
Parent/Guardian #1 Info
Parent/Guardian #2 Info (or an additional emergency contact)
Complete info for each child who will be attending.
Please select one option.

Please select one option.

Please select one option.

Please select one option.

Please select one option.

Medical Release

I / we, the parent(s) of below listed child, do hereby grant to Twin Oaks Ministry staff the right and authority to make medical decisions and to obtain medical treatment for the child listed below in the event that an emergency medical situation arises while my child is on the premises of Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church. The undersigned agrees to hold harmless and by signing below fully releases Twin Oaks Ministry staff and Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church Corporation, any of their affiliates and any affiliated persons chargeable with any supervisory or any other responsibilities or liability, relating to emergency medical treatment. I / we, the parent(s), agree to be responsible for any emergency medical expenses involved in helping our/my child.
Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form and click submit.

Completing this form registers your child(ren) for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

Fall 2024 TOP Kids Clubs start September 4, 2024.